Pets (specifically Dogs)
Since I've been a mom at home I had a change of heart about pets. Yesterday we brought home a second dog... what? if you've known me for the past 30 years you'd know this is really a miracle.
I love animals and think they make being a human on earth a better experience. Like beyond the fact that without animals we couldn't be humans on the earth - who would eat all those insects without animals? Anyway, this is the second dog I've ever been solely responsible for.
I also recently learned that my child will need to use a CPAP machine. Why in the hell would I get a 3 month old puppy around the same time I'll need to help my child add the CPAP machine to her life? Well, I've recently also learned that life is too short to hesitate. I've learned that what I want to do often equals what I can do. It is just how it works. Your decisions will always have consequences and the things in life that happen without your input will also have consequences and I have really no interest in putting off the stuff I want to do. Where does this leave my declutter goals? I am also sitting at the cleared off kitchen table with my lap top and enjoying the wind chime and mountain views. If I hadn't decluttered this table I wouldn't be sitting here right now.
The puppy is napping while I write this and the 2 year old pup is napping as well (because I took her for a lovely walk). I promised myself I'd take the older dog on walks more often.
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