Why I'm Decluttering

My journey as a home school mom has been filled with challenges.  Most of these challenges have to do with my own personal challenges that spill into how I work with my kids to help them to be life long learners.  

Decluttering will bring about organization which will then lay a foundation for my kids to have the space to learn differently.  They are learning now but their mom is stressed out because she can't find things because of the clutter.  If I'm more organized I'll be less stressed and give more to my daily presence with my kids.   I desire this to be so.  In order for this to be so I want (I instinctively typed need instead of want which is also a big challenge for me - what I need to do and what I want to do) to put in the work.

Therefore, decluttering is the foundation for my home life to change, and change for me is the goal.  Doing the same thing over and over and getting results I don't like seems idiotic and I definitely don't want to be idiotic so here I go - 25 minutes of working on element #1 of my declutter goal.


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