Administrative time for medical needs

 As I homeschool my kids I realize that I often have to pause to do administrative work for their medical needs.  This morning I had to make three phone calls regarding needs for both kids.   The first phone call was to schedule a speech therapy session out of network and they let me know that they just received the referral in their office and it hadn't been processed yet.  They'll do that and call me back on Wednesday.  I have moved my calendar reminder from today to Wednesday to make sure I follow up.   I then called the medical therapy unit to let them know that I hadn't received the copy of the annual review packet in the mail yet.  They let me know that the orthopedic doctor hadn't signed off on it yet and once that doctor had done that they'd be able to send it.  I then reached out to that doctor requesting it be signed off.  I have moved the calendar reminder for this to Friday to follow up with the medical therapy unit to see if the doctor had signed yet.  I called our medical provider to schedule my son's back x-ray that he gets every six months to monitor spine curvacure.  The order was not in the system so I had to ask for a message to be left to the doctor to request the order be put in.  Once that is done we can go get the x-ray.  I have moved this calendar reminder over to Friday to make sure I follow up.

This took me 2 hours to do between making the calls and helping the children with their needs.  

In order to homeschool flexibility is the top skill I need to have to make it all happen.


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